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Meet Heidi,

Heidi has always been passionate about health and wellness, driven by her belief in the transformative power of a harmonious body and mind. Her dedication is rooted in both her own life experiences and her deep empathy for others on their health journeys.

Growing up active and later becoming a ranch wife and mother to three lively daughters, Heidi has never been one to sit still. Her active lifestyle inspired her to pursue certifications in fitness, health, wellness, and nutrition. Over the last 12 years, she has used her skills to improve the lives of her clients.

Heidi is particularly passionate about helping older adults. Having cared for her father-in-law through his later years, she understands the unique challenges of aging. This experience led her to become a board-certified Independent Patient Advocate, skilled in navigating the complex healthcare system to support aging individuals and their caregivers.

Above all, Heidi is a compassionate listener. She strives to understand your story, concerns, and aspirations, aiming to connect deeply and support you every step of your journey.